Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Project: City

The following photos that I will post are taken by me at the city with my Olympus Tough, 12 Megapixels.
Since it is not a very proffesional camera I tried to add a metaphorical meaning behind them.
Of course considering that it was a task to be completed in the city,
I have captured moments which, to me, relates to the imbalance between nature and humans. 
The alarming rate at which technology is forming and the fears that I have of not only MY future but everyone elses futures, in hope that we will not become too dependable on technology.
But I am also trying to potray how we can maintain this delicate balance and how (although it might not seem like it sometimes) humans and nature CAN and ARE co-operating.

Hope you like the pictures and understand what I am trying to potray through them.
Enjoy, Stephanie Chen.

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