Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Inspirations Since childhood

It seems like a good place to start my inspiration page with true inspiration. A true artist in the making of films etc. Walt Disney has inpired many ( including me ) since their early childhood with the original classics.

Stephanie Chen

Inspirational Art at its best

Freaky but calm this is a interesting and inspirational photo by Terra Kate.

Stephanie Chen


A Beautifully unique peice done by distortion of a photo. Imagine carving this gorgeus piece.
remarkable. By

Stephanie Chen

Appropriation number 2

Original ...
and the semi creepy ...
A great appropriation of Andy Warhols Cambell soup can by raid71.

Stephanie Chen

Appropriation Art

A curious yet wonderfully original piece of appropriation, a tribute to a fanastic fashion designer, Frida Khalo by Italian designer, Mariam Bottazi.

Stephanie Chen

Amazing Art Again

Amazing? I think so. This is a illusion, the picture is completely 2D and the man is simpley on his knees. Drawn with chalk. By Julian Beever and Kurt Wenner

Stephanie Chen

Amazing Art

Danicing is a form of art but in this photo the dancers costume is just remarkable.
Their dance also seems very inspirational. Preformed by a group of deaf and blind group of women in China.

Stephanie Chen